...The Sparkly One announced.
"A blue one."
Well, obviously. The pink ones were just too...girly.
What I choose to post about what I remember doing. May contain errors, omissions and outright lies.
...The Sparkly One announced.
"A blue one."
Well, obviously. The pink ones were just too...girly.
Flash! Flash!
The man on my right is photographing the elephants, some 10 metres distant. He has a camera with an impressive-looking dual-grip body, and a huge zoom lens.
The flash fires with every shot, utterly useless at that range.
Joy of joys! I had the fabulous "Bubble and Squeak Cake" for lunch at The Old Spotted Cow.
I watched the chef collecting eggs from the hens moments before my perfectly poached egg (and crispy bacon) arrived. Wonderful. And so simple.
Every all-day breakfast should be this good.
What joy! My third favourite seasonal food has arrived!
(Asparagus and Pumpkin, seeing as you asked so nicely)
And I wasn't aware they were playing for them.
I mean, I knew there was a cricket test between England and Australia; heard the results of the first innings, chatted to colleagues, to a call centre operative about it.
I just hadn't realised this was the final match of the series.